System.Attribute.Equals 方法



语法定义(C# System.Attribute.Equals 方法 的用法)

public override bool Equals(
	Object obj


参数值/返回值 参数类型/返回类型 参数描述/返回描述
obj System-Object 要与此实例进行比较的 Object 或 null。
返回值 System.Boolean 如果 obj 等于此实例的类型和值,则为 true;否则为 false。


System.Attribute.Equals 方法例子

下面的代码示例定义两个自定义参数 Attribute 类并为每个类分别创建多个对象,并演示对它们进行比较的 Equals 方法的用法。

// Example for the Attribute.Equals( object ) method.
using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace NDP_UE_CS 
    // Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
    [AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Parameter )]
    public class ArgumentUsageAttribute : Attribute
        // This is the attribute constructor.
        public ArgumentUsageAttribute( string UsageMsg )
            this.usageMsg = UsageMsg;

        // usageMsg is storage for the attribute message.
        protected string usageMsg;

        // Override ToString() to append the message to what the base generates.
        public override string ToString( )
            return base.ToString( ) + ":" + usageMsg;

    // Define a custom parameter attribute that generates 
    // a GUID for each instance.
    [AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Parameter )]
    public class ArgumentIDAttribute : Attribute
        // This is the attribute constructor, which generates the GUID.
        public ArgumentIDAttribute( )
            this.instanceGUID = Guid.NewGuid( );

        // instanceGUID is storage for the generated GUID.
        protected Guid instanceGUID;

        // Override ToString() to append the GUID to what the base generates.
        public override string ToString( )
            return base.ToString( ) + "." + instanceGUID.ToString( );

    public class TestClass 
        // Assign an ArgumentID attribute to each parameter.
        // Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
        public void TestMethod(
            [ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")]
            String[] strArray,
            [ArgumentUsage("Can pass param list or array here.")]
            params String[] strList)
        { }

    class AttributeEqualsDemo 
        // Create Attribute objects and compare them.
        static void Main( ) 
            Console.WriteLine( "This example of Attribute.Equals( object ) " +
                "generates the following output." );

            // Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object 
            // for TestMethod to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof( TestClass );
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("TestMethod");

            // There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
            ParameterInfo[] pInfoArray = mInfo.GetParameters();
            if (pInfoArray != null) 
                // Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
                ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr1 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0], 
                        typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );

                // Create another instance of the argument usage attribute 
                // on strArray.
                ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr2 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0], 
                        typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );

                // Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
                ArgumentUsageAttribute listUsageAttr = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[1], 
                        typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );

                // Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
                ArgumentIDAttribute arrayIDAttr1 = (ArgumentIDAttribute)
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0], 
                        typeof(ArgumentIDAttribute) );

                // Create another instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
                ArgumentIDAttribute arrayIDAttr2 = (ArgumentIDAttribute)
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0], 
                        typeof(ArgumentIDAttribute) );

                // Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strList.
                ArgumentIDAttribute listIDAttr = (ArgumentIDAttribute)
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[1], 
                        typeof(ArgumentIDAttribute) );

                // Compare various pairs of attributes for equality.
                Console.WriteLine( "\nCompare a usage attribute instance to " +
                    "another instance of the same attribute:" );
                Console.WriteLine( "   \"{0}\" == \n   \"{1}\" ? {2}",
                    arrayUsageAttr1.ToString(), arrayUsageAttr2.ToString(), 
                    arrayUsageAttr1.Equals( arrayUsageAttr2 ) );

                Console.WriteLine( "\nCompare a usage attribute to " +
                    "another usage attribute:" );
                Console.WriteLine( "   \"{0}\" == \n   \"{1}\" ? {2}",
                    arrayUsageAttr1.ToString(), listUsageAttr.ToString(), 
                    arrayUsageAttr1.Equals( listUsageAttr ) );

                Console.WriteLine( "\nCompare an ID attribute instance to " +
                    "another instance of the same attribute:" );
                Console.WriteLine( "   \"{0}\" == \n   \"{1}\" ? {2}",
                    arrayIDAttr1.ToString(), arrayIDAttr2.ToString(), 
                    arrayIDAttr1.Equals( arrayIDAttr2 ) );

                Console.WriteLine( "\nCompare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:" );
                Console.WriteLine( "   \"{0}\" == \n   \"{1}\" ? {2}",
                    arrayIDAttr1.ToString(), listIDAttr.ToString(), 
                    arrayIDAttr1.Equals( listIDAttr ) );
                Console.WriteLine( "The parameters information could " +
                    "not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo.Name);

This example of Attribute.Equals( object ) generates the following output.

Compare a usage attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here." ==
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here." ? True

Compare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here." ==
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentUsageAttribute:Can pass param list or array here." ? False

Compare an ID attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentIDAttribute.06abf046-0c38-47ac-b215-09e1daa7f37d" ==
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentIDAttribute.cea23c39-f14b-4e95-bee2-9f661d8cd64b" ? False

Compare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentIDAttribute.06abf046-0c38-47ac-b215-09e1daa7f37d" ==
   "NDP_UE_CS.ArgumentIDAttribute.bdeb6f3e-18aa-410b-bef6-9788956b008c" ? False


异常 异常描述


namespace: System

程序集: mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


.NET Framework 受以下版本支持:4、3.5、3.0、2.0、1.1、1.0 .NET Framework Client Profile 受以下版本支持:4、3.5 SP1 受以下版本支持:


Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 或更高版本, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP SP2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008(不支持服务器核心), Windows Server 2008 R2(支持 SP1 或更高版本的服务器核心), Windows Server 2003 SP2 .NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关支持的版本的列表,请参见.NET Framework 系统要求。