System.OperatingSystem.ToString 方法


将此 OperatingSystem 对象的值转换为其等效的字符串表示形式。

语法定义(C# System.OperatingSystem.ToString 方法 的用法)

public override string ToString()


参数值/返回值 参数类型/返回类型 参数描述/返回描述
返回值 System.String Platform 、Version 和 ServicePack 属性的的字符串表示形式。


System.OperatingSystem.ToString 方法例子

下面的代码示例演示如何使用 ToString 方法显示 OperatingSystem 对象。

// Example for the OperatingSystem constructor and the 
// OperatingSystem.ToString( ) method.
using System;

class OpSysConstructDemo 
    // Create and display an OperatingSystem object.
    static void BuildOSObj( PlatformID pID, Version ver )
        OperatingSystem os = new OperatingSystem( pID, ver );

        Console.WriteLine( "   {0}", os.ToString( ) );

    static void BuildOperatingSystemObjects( )
        // The Version object does not need to correspond to an 
        // actual OS version.
        Version verNull     = new Version( );
        Version verMajMin   = new Version( 3, 11 );
        Version verMMBld    = new Version( 5, 25, 625 );
        Version verMMBVer   = new Version( 5, 6, 7, 8 );
        Version verString   = new Version( "" );

        // All PlatformID members are shown here.
        BuildOSObj( PlatformID.Win32NT, verNull );
        BuildOSObj( PlatformID.Win32S, verMajMin );
        BuildOSObj( PlatformID.Win32Windows, verMMBld );
        BuildOSObj( PlatformID.WinCE, verMMBVer );
        BuildOSObj( PlatformID.Win32NT, verString );

    public static void Main( ) 
            "This example of the OperatingSystem constructor " +
            "and \nOperatingSystem.ToString( ) " +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
            "Create and display several different " +
            "OperatingSystem objects:\n" );

        BuildOperatingSystemObjects( );

            "\nThe OS version of the host computer is:\n\n   {0}", 
            Environment.OSVersion.ToString( ) );

This example of the OperatingSystem constructor and
OperatingSystem.ToString( ) generates the following output.

Create and display several different OperatingSystem objects:

   Microsoft Windows NT 0.0
   Microsoft Win32S 3.11
   Microsoft Windows 98 5.25.625
   Microsoft Windows CE
   Microsoft Windows NT

The OS version of the host computer is:

   Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600.0


异常 异常描述


namespace: System

程序集: mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


.NET Framework 受以下版本支持:4、3.5、3.0、2.0、1.1、1.0 .NET Framework Client Profile 受以下版本支持:4、3.5 SP1


Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 或更高版本, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP SP2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008(不支持服务器核心), Windows Server 2008 R2(支持 SP1 或更高版本的服务器核心), Windows Server 2003 SP2 .NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关支持的版本的列表,请参见.NET Framework 系统要求。