System.StringSplitOptions 枚举


指定适用的 String.Split 方法重载包含还是省略返回值中的空子字符串。

语法定义(C# System.StringSplitOptions 枚举 的用法)

public enum StringSplitOptions


构造函数名称 构造函数描述


方法名称 方法描述


Split 方法返回一个由给定字符串的子字符串组成的数组,这些子字符串以指定的字符或字符串分隔。 相邻的两个分隔符表示一个包含空字符串 ("") 的数组元素。 StringSplitOptions 枚举的值指定是否将包含空字符串的数组元素包含在返回数组中。

指定 None 值以调用 Split 方法的默认行为,即返回由空子字符串和非空子字符串组成的数组。 指定 RemoveEmptyEntries 值以使 Split 方法返回的数组仅由非空子字符串组成。

System.StringSplitOptions 枚举例子

下面的代码示例使用 StringSplitOptions 枚举来包含或排除由 Split 方法生成的子字符串。

// This example demonstrates the String() methods that use
// the StringSplitOptions enumeration.
using System;

class Sample 
    public static void Main() 
    string s1 = ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,";
    string s2 = "[stop]" +
                "ONE[stop][stop]" +
                "TWO[stop][stop][stop]" +
    char[] charSeparators = new char[] {','};
    string[] stringSeparators = new string[] {"[stop]"};
    string[] result;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split a string delimited by characters.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Console.WriteLine("1) Split a string delimited by characters:\n");

// Display the original string and delimiter characters.
    Console.WriteLine("1a )The original string is \"{0}\".", s1);
    Console.WriteLine("The delimiter character is '{0}'.\n", 

// Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements.
    Console.WriteLine("1b) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                      "return all elements:");
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements.
    Console.WriteLine("1c) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                      "return all non-empty elements:");
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// Split the original string into the string and empty string before the 
// delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("1d) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                      "return 2 elements:");
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the 
// remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("1e) Split a string delimited by characters and " +
                      "return 2 non-empty elements:");
    result = s1.Split(charSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Split a string delimited by another string.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Console.WriteLine("2) Split a string delimited by another string:\n");

// Display the original string and delimiter string.
    Console.WriteLine("2a) The original string is \"{0}\".", s2);
    Console.WriteLine("The delimiter string is \"{0}\".\n", stringSeparators[0]);

// Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements.
    Console.WriteLine("2b) Split a string delimited by another string and " +
                      "return all elements:");
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split the original string at the delimiter and return all non-empty elements.
    Console.WriteLine("2c) Split a string delimited by another string and " +
                      "return all non-empty elements:");
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// Split the original string into the empty string before the 
// delimiter and the remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("2d) Split a string delimited by another string and " +
                      "return 2 elements:");
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

// Split the original string into the string after the delimiter and the 
// remainder of the original string after the delimiter.
    Console.WriteLine("2e) Split a string delimited by another string and " + 
                      "return 2 non-empty elements:");
    result = s2.Split(stringSeparators, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

// Display the array of separated strings.
    public static void Show(string[] entries)
    Console.WriteLine("The return value contains these {0} elements:", entries.Length);
    foreach (string entry in entries)
        Console.Write("<{0}>", entry);
This example produces the following results:

1) Split a string delimited by characters:

1a )The original string is ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,".
The delimiter character is ','.

1b) Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements:
The return value contains these 9 elements:

1c) Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 3 elements:

1d) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

1e) Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

2) Split a string delimited by another string:

2a) The original string is "[stop]ONE[stop][stop]TWO[stop][stop][stop]THREE[stop][stop]".
The delimiter string is "[stop]".

2b) Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements:
The return value contains these 9 elements:

2c) Split a string delimited by another string and return all non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 3 elements:

2d) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:

2e) Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 non-empty elements:
The return value contains these 2 elements:




namespace: System

程序集: mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)



.NET Framework 受以下版本支持:4、3.5、3.0、2.0 .NET Framework Client Profile 受以下版本支持:4、3.5 SP1 受以下版本支持:


Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 或更高版本, Windows XP SP3, Windows XP SP2 x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008(不支持服务器核心), Windows Server 2008 R2(支持 SP1 或更高版本的服务器核心), Windows Server 2003 SP2 .NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关支持的版本的列表,请参见.NET Framework 系统要求。